I don’t fit in any box

I built my own cloud

Salut les gens! My name is Lya Pouleyy. NYC transplant from Paris. I am the proud mama of '‘The Concept Store by Lya Pouleyy”, located at 3 West 65th st, NYC, NY, 10023. Not to brag, but it is a really cool and interesting store located at the lower level of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. I feel like I am receiving all the blessings and the positive energies!

What do I mean by “concept store”? I am a woman with with multi talents and I don’t blush about it :) I have in my store, a part dedicated to creation: paint, sketch, make some graphic design, draw, create accessories, dance (I built a little dance studio) and more. The other side of the store is...

Because I was thought to survive because where I come from, “we can’t dream, we’re only here to survive. And who do you think you are to dare doing things differently?” So what did I do? I did things very differently! So differently that my own people tried to take me down. But I created new dreams who brought me back to my original dreams <3

Life can be extremely challenging… extremely extremely challenging! But like we say in French: “Tant qu’il y a de la vie, il y a de l’espoir”. The path is not always cute and linear. You might zigzag a lot, go backwards, step back sometimes. Then you will zigzag a little less because you will find your alignment and balance at the moment. Then you will zigzag like crazy again and you will question yourself because you thought that you figured things out, and Life shows you that you had not… And you will take a break because that is all you needed to do. And you will realize that you were on the right path, you just needed for things to fall into place. And for that, you needed to rest, because once you get what you asked for, that is just the beginning of new challenges!!!

I had 28 lives! Designer, dancer, choreograph, instructor, journalist, life coach, artist, model and hand model. And I brought all of them to a professional level.

As I am writing, Monday December 4th 2023, 12:31pm, I opened my concept store. It feels like the miracle baby that I always wanted.

I really hope that you will enjoy my Cosmos because I am here to push my creativity.